Unit 46: When will it be ready?

1. When will the car be ready?

(Ann and Fred want to go to France and Germany during the holidays. Fred is checking the car while Ann is talking to her friend Sally.)

FredAh-ah, coffee! Yes, please.
AnnHere you are. When will the car be ready?
Fred Soon. In a few minutes. Leave it to me!
AnnGood. He's getting the car ready. We're going to France and Germany during the holidays.
SallyOh, that's good.
AnnYes. Not like last year. It was terrible. We stayed at home during the holidays last year.
SallyAll the time?
AnnYes. Fred did jobs in the house. At least during the first three days he did, but he had one or two little accidents.

(Flashback: Fred drops hammer on toe. Fred unscrews water tap).

SallyI see. So you cleaned up the house during the rest of the holidays?
SallyWhen are you going away?
AnnIn a few days' time. Not till, Friday. Ah, there's Fred. Finished, Fred?
FredWell, no. I've got one or two little problems, Ann. Where do these go?

2. I used to cook all the time.

AnnIt's a pity George isn't here. Oh—sorry.
SallyIt's all right, Ann. I don't mind. We're not married anymore. But I can still talk about him. Yes, it's a pity, because George was very good with cars. The problem was he wasn't very good with people, and he wasn't a very good husband.
AnnSo now you're single again. What's it like?
SallyNow that I'm single again? Well, when I was married I used to cook all the time, and I used to clean the flat, and I used to wash clothes. Now I go out more.
AnnVisit old friends more. But George used to help you in some ways.
SallyYes, he used to help me when he was at home. But he wasn't at home very often. And I used to wait for him. When I was married I used to be a very weak person, Ann.
AnnAnd now you're not?
SallyNo, now I'm strong.
FredAh! I need a strong person.
FredI want to push the car to Gosport's garage. It's not far.
SallyAll right.
AnnI'll help too. We must have that car during the holidays. Fred isn't like George. He is always at home and always tries to help. I wish he wouldn't.

3. It'll be ready by Thursday, the 22nd.

FredAh-ah. There! It's finished.
AnnWhat is it?
FredThe plane. Ah-ah. Look!
SallyVery good.
AnnWell done! Er—Fred. Are you going to ring the garage now? They said you could ring at five o'clock.
FredOK. (On the phone) Hello, Gosport's Garage? This is Mr. Bennet. I brought my car in this morning. When will it be ready, please? Pardon? Oh, yes, all right. They're putting me through to the Service Department. Hello. Yes, my name's Bennet. That's right. When will my car be ready, please? Ah, I see. Yes? Problems? A lot of problems. Yes, I understand. OK. Thank you. Good-bye.
AnnWhen will it be ready?
FredWell, by Thursday.
AnnNot till Thursday?
SallyThat's all right, Ann. You're not going on holiday till Friday.
AnnYes, that's true. So it will be ready in three days' time.
FredWell, no. Not in three days' time exactly. In two weeks' time. It'll be ready by Thursday, the 22nd.
AnnOh, no! In two weeks. But we're going to France and Germany during the holidays. We must have the car.
FredWe could stay at home, Ann. We stayed at home during our last holidays. I could do some jobs in the house.

4. That's very good of you.

SallyIt's all right, Ann. You can use my car during the holidays.
AnnOh, can we really, Sally? Thank you. Thank you.
FredThat's very good of you, Sally. That's really very nice. And when we come back, I'm sure there'll be something I can do for you ... 
SallyNo! No, thanks, Fred. Thank you very much, but no.